Manny SD Lopez is an economist and management professional touting decades of local and international experience. He headed Empowered People’s Initiative and Reform Movement Alliance or ePIRMa, which advocated for people’s initiative as a means of charter change, and the 2.22 Coalition, which sought government reforms and the mass resignation of top officials in favor of a “transition government” during the administration of President Benigno Aquino III.
Lopez said that he was prompted to run at the urging of the Workers and Peasants Party's late chairman, Jose Malvar Villegas. He is campaigning on a platform of boosting economic recovery through lending and direct investments, reform of the people’s initiative mechanism and improving government efficiency and competency as an anti-corruption measure.
If elected, Lopez says he would seek either the foreign affairs or trade and industry post, to help the president efficiently and effectively run the country.
The candidate's top priorities if elected to office, tracked against previous promises and accomplishments, if any
- Create a New Omnibus Investment Code, to improve conduct of business, enhance competitive factors and attract more foreign direct investments
- Pass a bankruptcy law to help recovery of businesses badly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
- Low-interest loans with easy terms made accessible to MSMEs, entrepreneurs, workers, farmers and professionals
- Use direct democracy principles to amend the people’s initiative law with implementing rules and regulations to make it a functional legislative tool
- Shift to parliamentary system adopting features of the French model
- Undertake public finance management reform to plug leaks in the government’s financial system, professionalize and establish it as a system-based anti-corruption measure
- Fully implement e-Government systems to improve bureaucratic proficiency, monitoring and accountability
- Renationalize public utilities, particularly power and water utilities to lower rates, protect consumer rights and welfare
- Support the Supreme Court ruling on Mandanas, Garcia, Villegas, et al. case reallocating up to 40% of national government revenues and devolution of essential public services to local government units
Similar remarks made during interviews in 2016 and 2019
Formed e-PIRMA and 2.22 Coalition to protest the administration of Benigno Aquino III and promote charter change through people’s initiative
- Integrated agro-industrial-resource development program to enhance the competitive advantage of MSMEs, agri-fishery, mining and strategic industries.
- Optimize local production, attract more investments to generate jobs, livelihoods and opportunities nationwide
Science-based and cost-effective disaster and pandemic management program with pragmatic public health safety protocol
Improve quality of education in all levels, aligned with industry needs, socio-cultural values and national development goals
The candidate's top five accomplishments and contributions for the last 15 years or so
Private Sector
Lopez has focused his efforts in the last decade in advocacy work, primarily pushing for government reforms including charter change through people’s initiative and anti-corruption measures.
Vice chairman
Head, at least 2015
The group now supports Lopez in his vice presidential bid.
Head, 2014
Actions and/or proceedings pending against or resolved in courts or tribunals involving the candidate, based on publicly available information
Also known as SALN, this document is a declaration of one's personal finances. Philippine Law requires the SALN to be submitted by all public officials and employees to the Ombudsman. Public officials and employees may opt to voluntarily disclose their SALN to the public.
Key details about the candidate's campaign
Candidate's major donors and campaign funding sources
The candidate's top advocacies in the last 15 years or so
Lopez continues to support reforms.
Lopez continues to support reforms.
Head, at least 2015
Head, 2014
Basic information on the candidate's family, background and work experience
Olivia Pamintuan Sto. Domingo-Lopez, public school teacher turned entrepreneur
• Business Economics Program, University of Asia and the Pacific Juris Doctor, Pacific Coast University
•Business Law, Los Angeles City College
•MBA, University of California, Los Angeles
•Political Science and Economics, University of the Philippines - Diliman, 1981
•Vice Chairman, National Advisory Board, Labor Party of the Philippines (a.k.a. The Workers and Peasants Party
•CEO, CISCI Technology Solutions, 2019
•Managing Director, The Lincoln Place
•President and General Manager at NFA Grainscor
Learn more about this candidate
Independent foreign policy leveraged on multilateral alliance initiatives and cost-effective development of credible external defense capability in air, land, sea, sub-sea and cyberspace